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Posts Tagged ‘stieg larsson

Stieg Larsson : Millénium, la trilogie (coffret)

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Stieg Larsson
Actes Sud, « Actes noirs »
ISBN 978-2-7427-7200-1
octobre 2009
99,95 $ au Canada

Sorti en France en novembre 2007, Leméac a finalement décidé de le sortir le fameux coffret Stieg Larsson au Québec — deux ans plus tard ! Et de surcroît, sans le cahier inédit de correspondance entre l’auteur — juste avant sa mort — et son éditrice suédoise (qui était offert avec l’édition française). Leméac, je vous emmerde ! Voilà.

Sinon, ce coffret contient évidemment les trois romans de la trilogie Millénium :

  1. Les hommes qui n’aimaient pas les femmes
  2. La fille qui rêvait d’un bidon d’essence et d’une allumette
  3. La reine dans le palais des courants d’air

Written by Thomas

2009-12-13 at 23:19

Stieg Larsson: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

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Millennium 3: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest
Stieg Larsson
Viking Canada
ISBN 978-0-670-06903-3
25 May 2010
$32.00 in Canada

En français : La reine dans le palais des courants d’air

Curiously, the title for the British edition that came out in October is The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest (hornets, plural), whereas this forthcoming North American edition from Random House USA & Penguin Canada is entitled The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (hornet, singular). Not sure what to make of this…

In the third volume in the explosive trilogy that has sold more than 13 million copies worldwide, Lisbeth Salander confronts political corruption from her hospital bed while a killer lurks next door.

From the Canadian edition:

As The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest opens, Lisbeth Salander—the heart and soul of Larsson’s two previous novels—is under close supervision in the intensive care unit of a provincial Swedish city hospital. And she’s fighting for her life in more ways than one: when she’s well enough, she’ll be taken back to Stockholm to stand trial for a triple murder. With the help of her friend, journalist Mikael Blomkvist, she will have to prove her innocence, and identify and denounce the corrupt politicians who have allowed the vulnerable, like herself, to become victims of abuse and violence. And, on her own, she will plot her revenge—against the man who tried to kill her, and the government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life.

Once upon a time, she was a victim. Now, Lisbeth Salander is ready to fight back.

From the British edition:

Salander is plotting her revenge – against the man who tried to kill her, and against the government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life. But it is not going to be a straightforward campaign. After taking a bullet to the head, Salander is under close supervision in Intensive Care, and is set to face trial for three murders and one attempted murder on her eventual release.

With the help of journalist Mikael Blomkvist and his researchers at Millennium magazine, Salander must not only prove her innocence, but identify and denounce the corrupt politicians that have allowed the vulnerable to become victims of abuse and violence. Once a victim herself, Salander is now ready to fight back.

From the American edition:

Lisbeth Salander—the heart of Larsson’s two previous novels—is under close supervision in the intensive care unit of a Swedish city hospital. She’s fighting for her life in more ways than one: when she’s well enough, she’ll stand trial for three murders. With the help of her friend, journalist Mikael Blomkvist, she will have to prove her innocence, and to identify the corrupt politicians who have allowed the vulnerable, like herself, to suffer abuse. And, on her own, she will plot her revenge—against the man who tried to kill her and the government institutions that very nearly destroyed her life.

Once upon a time, she was a victim. Now Lisbeth Salander is ready to fight back.

Written by Thomas

2009-12-07 at 16:11

Stieg Larsson: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Paperback)

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Forthcoming paperback release:

Millennium 1: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Stieg Larsson
23 June 2009
$13.50 in Canada

See also: hardback edition
En français : Les hommes qui n’aimaient pas les femmes


Forty years ago, Harriet Vanger disappeared off the secluded island owned and inhabited by the powerful Vanger family. There was no corpse, no witnesses, no evidence. But her uncle, Henrik, is convinced that she was murdered by someone from her own deeply dysfunctional family. Disgraced journalist Mikael Blomkvist is hired to investigate, but he quickly finds himself in over his head. He hires a competent assistant: the gifted and conscience-free computer specialist Lisbeth Salander, and the two unravel a dark and appalling family history. But the Vangers are a secretive clan, and Blomkvist and Salander are about to find out just how far they are prepared to go to protect themselves.

Written by Thomas

2009-01-29 at 09:23

Stieg Larsson: The Girl Who Played With Fire

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Millennium 2: The Girl Who Played With Fire
Stieg Larsson
ISBN 978-0-670-06902-6
28 July 2009
$32.00 in Canada

There is no Canadian market information at this time, but I would expect the second volume to once again be published by Viking Canada (Penguin Group), to come out around July-September 2009, and to sell for $30.00-$35.00. More information will be added as it becomes available.

If you’re too impatient to wait for the North American release of the second volume, you can either try to import the British edition coming out in early January 2009, or live the Canadian dream by reading the French edition (which came out in Canada fully two years ago).

See also: excerpt and audio preview [mp3].

En français : La fille qui rêvait d’un bidon d’essence et d’une allumette


From the Canadian edition:

The fierce heart of this novel is Lisbeth Salander: the troubled, wise-beyond-her-years genius hacker who teamed up with crusading journalist Mikael Blomqvist in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

This time, Lisbeth is implicated in a murder: her fingerprints are found on the weapon used to kill two journalists the night before their explosive story about sex trafficking in Sweden was set to be published. Now, while Blomqvist— alone in his belief in her innocence — plunges into his own investigation of the slayings, Lisbeth is drawn into a hunt in which she is the prey, and which compels her to revist her dark past in an effort to settle with it once and for all.

From the British edition:

Lisbeth Salander is a wanted woman. Two Millennium journalists about to expose the truth about the sex trade in Sweden are brutally murdered, and Salander’s prints are on the weapon. Her history of unpredictable and vengeful behaviour makes her an official danger to society – but no-one can find her anywhere.

Meanwhile, Mikael Blomkvist, editor-in-chief of Millennium, will not believe what he hears on the news. Knowing Salander to be fierce when fearful, he is desperate to get to her before she is cornered and alone. As he fits the pieces of the puzzle together, he comes up against some hardened criminals, including the chainsaw-wielding ‘blond giant’ – a fearsomely huge thug who can feel no pain. Digging deeper, Blomkvist also unearths some heart-wrenching facts about Salander’s past life. Committed to psychiatric care aged 12, declared legally incompetent at 18, this is a messed-up young woman who is the product of an unjust and corrupt system. Yet Lisbeth is more avenging angel than helpless victim – descending on those that have hurt her with a righteous anger terrifying in its intensity and truly wonderful in its outcome.

The Girl Who Played with Fire is the second volume in the explosive Millennium Trilogy, which has sold more than 7.5 million copies worldwide.

From the American edition:

The electrifying follow-up to the phenomenal best seller The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and this time it is Lisbeth Salander, the troubled, wise-beyond-her-years genius hacker, who is the focus and fierce heart of the story.

Mikael Blomkvist—crusading journalist and publisher of the magazine Millennium—has decided to publish a story exposing an extensive sex trafficking operation between Eastern Europe and Sweden, implicating well-known and highly placed members of Swedish society, business, and government.

On the eve of publication, the two reporters responsible for the story are brutally murdered. But perhaps more shocking for Blomkvist: the fingerprints found on the murder weapon belong to Lisbeth Salander.

Now, as Blomkvist—alone in his belief in her innocence—plunges into his own investigation of the slayings, Salander is drawn into a murderous hunt in which she is the prey, and which compels her to revisit her dark past in an effort to settle with it once and for all.

Written by Thomas

2008-12-28 at 01:41

Stieg Larsson: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

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Millennium 1: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Stieg Larsson
ISBN 978-0-670-06901-9
23 September 2008
$32.00 in Canada

See also: paperback edition
En français : Les hommes qui n’aimaient pas les femmes


Forty years ago, Harriet Vanger disappeared off the secluded island owned and inhabited by the powerful Vanger family. There was no corpse, no witnesses, no evidence. But her uncle, Henrik, is convinced that she was murdered by someone from her own deeply dysfunctional family. Disgraced journalist Mikael Blomkvist is hired to investigate, but he quickly finds himself in over his head. He hires a competent assistant: the gifted and conscience-free computer specialist Lisbeth Salander, and the two unravel a dark and appalling family history. But the Vangers are a secretive clan, and Blomkvist and Salander are about to find out just how far they are prepared to go to protect themselves.

Written by Thomas

2008-12-28 at 01:32

Stieg Larsson : La reine dans le palais des courants d’air

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Millénium 3 : La reine dans le palais des courants d’air
Stieg Larsson
Actes Sud, « Actes noirs »
ISBN 978-2-7427-7031-1
21 novembre 2007
34,95 $ au Canada

Provisional English Titles: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest or Castles in the Sky


Que les lecteurs des deux premiers tomes de la trilogie Millénium ne lisent pas les lignes qui suivent s’ils préfèrent découvrir par eux-mêmes ce troisième volume d’une série rapidement devenue culte.

Le lecteur du deuxième tome l’espérait, son rêve est exaucé : Lisbeth n’est pas morte. Ce n’est cependant pas une raison pour crier victoire : Lisbeth, très mal en point, va rester coincée des semaines à l’hôpital, dans l’incapacité physique de bouger et d’agir. Coincée, elle l’est d’autant plus que pèsent sur elle diverses accusations qui la font placer en isolement par la police. Un ennui de taille : son père, qui la hait et qu’elle a frappé à coups de hache, se trouve dans le même hôpital, un peu en meilleur état qu’elle…

Il n’existe, par ailleurs, aucune raison pour que cessent les activités souterraines de quelques renégats de la Säpo, la police de sûreté. Pour rester cachés, ces gens de l’ombre auront sans doute intérêt à éliminer ceux qui les gênent ou qui savent.

Côté forces du bien, on peut compter sur Mikael Blomkvist, qui, d’une part, aime beaucoup Lisbeth mais ne peut pas la rencontrer, et, d’autre part, commence à concocter un beau scoop sur des secrets d’Etat qui pourraient, par la même occasion, blanchir à jamais Lisbeth. Mikael peut certainement compter sur l’aide d’Armanskij, reste à savoir s’il peut encore faire confiance à Erika Berger, passée maintenant rédactrice en chef d’une publication concurrente.

Written by Thomas

2008-12-28 at 01:25

Stieg Larsson : La fille qui rêvait d’un bidon d’essence et d’une allumette

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Millénium 2 : La fille qui rêvait d’un bidon d’essence et d’une allumette
Stieg Larsson
Actes Sud, « Actes noirs »
ISBN 978-2-7427-6501-0
17 janvier 2007
34,95 $ au Canada

In English: The Girl Who Played With Fire


Tandis que Lisbeth Salander coule des journées supposées tranquilles aux Caraïbes, Mikael Blomkvist, réhabilité, victorieux, est prêt à lancer un numéro spécial de Millénium sur un thème brûlant pour des gens haut placés : une sombre histoire de prostituées exportées des pays de l’Est. Mikael aimerait surtout revoir Lisbeth. Il la retrouve sur son chemin, mais pas vraiment comme prévu : un soir, dans une rue de Stockholm, il la voit échapper de peu à une agression manifestement très planifiée.

Enquêter sur des sujets qui fâchent mafieux et politiciens n’est pas ce qu’on souhaite à de jeunes journalistes amoureux de la vie. Deux meurtres se succèdent, les victimes enquêtaient pour Millénium. Pire que tout, la police et les médias vont bientôt traquer Lisbeth, coupable toute désignée et qu’on a vite fait de qualifier de tueuse en série au passé psychologique lourdement chargé.

Mais qui était cette gamine attachée sur un lit, exposée aux caprices d’un maniaque et qui survivait en rêvant d’un bidon d’essence et d’une allumette ?

S’agissait-il d’une des filles des pays de l’Est, y a-t-il une hypothèse plus compliquée encore ? C’est dans cet univers à cent à l’heure que nous embarque Stieg Larsson qui signe avec ce deuxième volume de la trilogie Millénium un thriller au rythme affolant.

Written by Thomas

2008-12-28 at 01:19

Stieg Larsson : Les hommes qui n’aimaient pas les femmes

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Millénium 1 : Les hommes qui n’aimaient pas les femmes
Stieg Larsson
Actes Sud, « Actes noirs »
ISBN 978-2-7427-6157-9
23 août 2006
34,95 $ au Canada

In English: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo


Ancien rédacteur de Millénium, revue d’investigations sociales et économiques, Mikael Blomkvist est contacté par un gros industriel pour relancer une enquête abandonnée depuis quarante ans. Dans le huis clos d’une île, la petite nièce de Henrik Vanger a disparu, probablement assassinée, et quelqu’un se fait un malin plaisir de le lui rappeler à chacun de ses anniversaires.

Secondé par Lisbeth Salander, jeune femme rebelle et perturbée, placée sous contrôle social mais fouineuse hors pair, Mikael Blomkvist, cassé par un procès en diffamation qu’il vient de perdre, se plonge sans espoir dans les documents cent fois examinés, jusqu’au jour où une intuition lui fait reprendre un dossier.

Régulièrement bousculés par de nouvelles informations, suivant les méandres des haines familiales et des scandales financiers, lancés bientôt dans le monde des tueurs psychopathes, le journaliste tenace et l’écorchée vive vont résoudre l’affaire des fleurs séchées et découvrir ce qu’il faudrait peut-être taire.

Written by Thomas

2008-12-28 at 01:09